
Showing posts from May, 2014

To speed up accessing files on nfs shares on a ubuntu machine ...

To enable nfs caching on ubuntu, sudo apt-get install cachefilesd sudo sed -i 's/nfs rw/nfs fsc,rw/' /etc/fstab service restart cachefilesd To use tmpfs instead of disk cache use this after making sure the runner has atleast 12G of memory, mount | grep fscache || mount -t tmpfs -o size=8192m tmpfs /fscache ls /fscache/disk0 || dd if=/dev/zero of=/fscache/disk0 bs=1M count=8191 sleep 15 ls /fscache/disk0 && echo 'y' | mkfs.ext4 /fscache/disk0 mount /fscache/disk0 /var/cache/fscache -t ext4 service cachefilesd restart