Avoid initializing kwargs in signature as they might not work as expected when you need to pass kwargs from other methods

$ cat test_kwargs.py 
def m1(a, b=2):
    print a, b
def m2(a, b=None):
    ​m1(a, b=b)
m1(1, 2)
m2(1, 2)
$ python test_kwargs.py 
1 2
1 None
1 2
1 2
A better version of the above methods would be,
$ cat test_kwargs.py def m1(a, b=None): if b is None: b = 2 print a, b def m2(a, b=None): m1(a, b=b) m1(1) m2(1) m1(1, 2) m2(1, 2) $ python test_kwargs.py 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2​


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